Weight loss has become the chief concern of most of today’s population. It’s a fad now to try different exercise regimens and various kinds of diets. However, there isn’t much reality in what’s believed to be true about these weight loss tricks. A few sachets of tea or saying goodbye to your favorite food may not be all that you need

At Bright Side, we put together a few clarifications that are straight from the popular weight loss gurus themselves. It’s time to clear the air about weight loss.

15. Don’t restrict the variety, just increase it.

Who said you have to give up your favorite food? Maybe you also believe that your plate should have fewer food options? Here’s some welcome news. Add a little extra on that plate. Maybe some veggies or some nuts.

If you are forcing yourself to stop eating and depriving yourself of your favorite food this will eventually become the reason you give in to the foods you’ve been craving. Don’t do that. As explained by Rebecca Scritchfield, R.D.N., author of the book Body Kindness, “When you focus more on what you add into your healthy eatingpatterns — like adding a side of veggies on pizza night — rather than taking away foods you love, you free yourself from ’the diet crazies.’ You silence the constant thoughts about food and build trust with your body in a more positive way.”


14. Watch your portions.

So, your dietician tells you that oatmeal is good for you. And you end up preparing it with loads of butter and probably plan to have a second or third serving. The hard fact is that you could have actually gorged on a burger instead of this. Quantity, quality, and portions are very important. The above image is a small guide showing you the approximate size of portions depending on which foods you’re eating.

To satiate your hunger, serve yourself fruit or some toasted veggies so that your urge to eat more doesn’t spoil your diet regimen. Also, another tip suggested by Cornell University Food Lab is that you should try to contrast the color of your food with your plate, because the color contrast will help you realize the quantity of food you have.

13. “You” don’t change after losing weight.

You lose weight and are eager to show off your before and after pictures with your friends. And then you go over which meal plan worked, what you ate, etc. What we forget to realize and tell others is the commitment we showed to lose weight, and the effort that was put in by us.

You as a person have put in so much for this cause. You’re still the same person, with or without those extra pounds. Praise your will power, not your waist line. As rightly said by Scritchfield, “It’s possible to enjoy your body at any size and take good care of it.”

12. Sleep is not to be ignored.

Don’t miss out on those precious hours of sleep just to spend an extra hour at the gym. As explained by Dr. Caroline Apovian, “Getting less than 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night ramps up the hunger hormone ghrelin and decreases the satiety hormone leptin. Lack of sleep also interferes with impulse control, making it less likely that you will stick to healthy food choices and portion sizes the following day.”

“Getting less sleep than needed also heightens cortisol levels, which prompts the body to overeat to refuel after fighting off a stressor,” she added.

11. You are not dieting to look good, but to feel good.

A good diet changes your lifestyle completely and not just the way you look. People generally associate dieting with weight loss, when in actuality the person goes through an entirely healthy change.

According to Chanté Wiegand, ND, Naturopathic Doctor and Director of Education at The Synergy Company, “Losing weight is about more than the number on the scale. Following fad diets may promote quick weight loss but typically results are fleeting and may lead to even greater weight gain once you resume your usual eating patterns. To lose weight for good, you need to adopt an all-around lifestyle change that includes what you eat, how you prepare food, and how often you move your body.”

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