We’ve heard of a lot of lawsuits that have taken place in recent years. Some of them seem legitimate and others, not so much.

Recently, a woman in Florida has gone after the Hershey Company with a lawsuit demanding $5 million. This isn’t because she choked on a piece of candy or had an allergic reaction, it is because of packaging she considers to be misleading.

Cynthia Kelly from Tampa said she purchased a Reese’s peanut butter Halloween treat for $4.49 at Aldi. When she opened the product, she said it didn’t match the picture on the front.

More than likely, she went ahead and ate the peanut butter pumpkin anyway and I’m sure it was delicious. Her problem was not the taste of the product, it was because there was an image on the front of the package of a brown pumpkin with orange inside showing through a carved face.

When she opened the package, the product on the inside was not accurately shown on the outside. It was simply a peanut butter pumpkin covered in chocolate, without the carvings pictured on the label.

She is accusing Hershey of making labels that are ‘materially misleading.’

Other people have also shared pictures on YouTube claiming to have been misled after opening a Halloween product and finding something they didn’t recognize on the inside.

In the end, Kelly is seeking a minimum of $5 million in compensation from Hershey. I guess her life will be sweet at that point.

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