There are many subjects that tend to spark a debate, with people on both sides arguing their points until they are blue in the face. These are the debates that don’t necessarily have a winner or loser, as nobody changes their mind, even after the arguing takes place.

One of the debates that is often heard is in regards to breast-feeding. Some women tend to do it in private and they don’t want to attract undue attention to themselves.

There are others, however, who will nurse in public in the art afraid who sees it. Regardless of whether they feel it is natural or they just want the attention, they feel that people were stomping on their rights if they say that they can’t pull their breast out and feed their baby in front of a crowd.

That includes one Canadian mom, Trinati, who will feed her 17-month-old daughter wherever she happens to be when the girl is hungry. The mother breast-feeds in public regularly, and she has had some experiences.


Most of the experiences are positive, with people saying that they were proud of her for standing up for her rights. Others have chastised her for doing this in public.

Recently, she shared a picture of herself breast-feeding her daughter while she was standing in line at Costco. She said: “I never shy away from providing my children with what they may need from me based on our surroundings.”

The comments on the picture are quite varied. The focus tends to be on those who are praising her for doing what she wants to do and not letting anybody stand in her way.

Others, however, are upset with the fact that she would do this in public and feel that it is nothing more than some attention-grabbing behavior.

She went on to explain: “My baby’s needs come waaaaaay before anyone else’s attempts to make me feel inappropriate for this sometimes-public act of nourishing and/or comforting my children.”

“Trust is a fundamental tool for developing healthy relationships and it begins with the care that we receive in childhood. For me, breastfeeding demonstrates this to my children, and for this reason I will never feel shame for allowing a baby of mine to do this with me in any environment.”

I guess the debate will continue.

By admin

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