One of the biggest moments in any parent’s life is when they are expecting the birth of a child. The anticipation alone can really get to you, and nobody knows this better than Matt and Jodi Parry.

They weren’t new to having children because they already had a son but this time, they had double the anticipation because they were getting ready to have twins. They were understandably anxious but in a very joyful way.

That all changed one day when the doctor brought them into his office and told them that he was sorry. Suddenly, they were fearful and anxious because they didn’t know what to expect. The doctor then told them that the twins had Down syndrome.

When they heard the words come out of the doctor’s mouth, they really could have used some reassurance. Rather than getting it, however, the doctor referred to the diagnosis as a lifetime punishment.

Jodi admitted that she did not feel like a mother on that day, she just felt ‘confused and gone.’ They were then told that they had a one-in-a-million chance of delivering the twins with Down syndrome successfully.

Very little help came from many people in their lives, and nobody explained to them that they could have a lot of joy in their lives by raising the twins. They were afraid, and understandably so.

They decided to continue with their family and try to gather as much information as they could on their own. Some people felt sorry for them but they knew better, that there must be some silver lining to find.

Abigail said: “To this day, I’ll never know what he felt sorry for. If I could ever meet him again, I’d like to show him my daughters and say why did you say sorry?”

They admit that they would not trade their daughters for the world.

Five years have now gone by and the girls have shown just how wrong the doctor and everybody else that held prejudice in their heart was that day. Everybody deserves a chance, and the family certainly is happy for that very reason.

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