Have you ever looked at a picture and suddenly, you are looking back at it a second time? This is something that we often refer to as a double take and it happens when we don’t quite understand what we see the first time we see it.

Not every picture is going to be worth a double take but the pictures we have for you below will make you question what you are seeing from the very start. Some of them are optical illusions and others are just unusual pictures that you don’t see every day.

I invite you to take a glance at any of these pictures and not to look again to wonder what you are actually seeing. It’s an interesting look at regular life that is not always so regular.

1. Is it full or empty?

2. Strange place to park a camel

3. Yetis in New York?

4. Do you spin this phone to charge it?

5. Tigers enjoying a soak in the tub.

6. Surf’s up!

7. Avoid the cactus field next time.

8. Time for an Oreo ban.

9. What is this dog doing?

10. Just waiting for a withdrawal

11. Remote Controlled witch plane.

12. Where did the extra hand come from?

By admin

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