We sometimes hear about parents who have many children. Perhaps we think of someone with four or five kids as being a lot, but Nadya Suleman is dealing with 14 children.

Perhaps you know Natalie Denise Suleman, or have heard of her because she is often referred to as Octomom. She did get a lot of attention after having octuplets, but they were actually born after she already had six children.

When you want more children in your life, you don’t always think about adding eight children at one time. After she started her IVF treatments at the age of 21, it was eventually going to result in her having more children than she expected.

Her first son was born in 2001 and she continued her IVF treatments through three more pregnancies. This resulted in her having four sons and two daughters, but she decided to go through another round in 2009.

Nadya said that she had six embryos left over from other IVF treatments and she wanted the embryos transferred into her uterus at the same time. Typically, they would only allow three embryos to be transferred.

After giving birth to octuplets, she gained the attention of millions of people. Most people had negative feelings about her decisions and what she was going through, but she certainly did have a following.

Today, she is happy to be a mother of 14 and she also has a reality show in the UK. She updates her Instagram regularly and posts some funny pictures for the world to see.

We will be interested in watching what she does next.

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