There are plenty of things that people enjoy debating, but the subject of children is always one that seems to get most people excited. If you really stop to think about it, we each have our own style but that style doesn’t always work for everyone.

One thing that we do know about parenting is the fact that you must take care of the children and protect them. People will do this in different ways and there are going to be times when somebody starts a debate.

This recently happened on TikTok after a user shared information about how she raises her children. She said that her children will never be allowed to stay over with a male relative and they won’t ever be at sleepovers.

Some people agreed with what she had to say and praised her for her efforts. Others, however, disagreed with her strongly.

Aubrey is a mother and she has two children. It’s up to her to decide how she wants to raise those children, but when you share that information on social media, you are inviting someone to complain about it.

She has around 2000 followers on TikTok, and she was posting a video getting ready for the day when she started talking about how she raised her daughter.

At first, she said that her daughter would not ever be allowed to sleep over at someone’s house. Many people agree with this and it certainly sounds reasonable, even if it is strict in some people’s eyes.

On the other hand, there are many who let their children sleep over with their grandparents but she said no way. In her words: “Not even with family members. And she will never be left alone with a male. I don’t care if you are the grandparent, the uncle, or the cousin.”

As she continued applying her makeup, she said that both of her children would be treated similarly. The son will have the same rules as the daughter so neither of them will be out late because it is too dangerous.


She also said that her daughter would not have to give or receive hugs or kisses if she didn’t want them. She says it is the case for her friends and relatives alike.

Aubrey also wants her daughter to feel free to share and express her emotions in any way that she wants.

As you can imagine, people had some very strong opinions on the subject.


There were others who felt uneasy and confused about her method of raising children. They said that they had fun at sleepovers and it made up some of the best memories.

I guess this will always be debated, but it certainly is interesting to watch.

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