Alaska Airlines has been lucky to have Sheila Frederick, 49, as one of its flight attendants for almost a decade. Through her travels, she has learned to recognize and comprehend the various types of people she may encounter in the air.
On one specific journey, she soon realized that something was wrong. She noted that the man sitting next to a girl was much more mature than her and reacted violently to every slightest disruption. Sheila recognized the problem immediately and moved without hesitation to prevent potential harm. That day, her quick thinking and intuitive intuition saved a life.
Sheila has gotten even more knowledge since then on how various people can act during flights, from simply terrible customers to those who require comfort because they are terrified or traumatized in some manner. This experience has enabled her to hone her skills as a capable flight attendant who is always prepared for any emergency that may happen on board.
She can deliver the finest possible service even in uncertain circumstances because she understands each individual’s behavior and demands in in-flight scenarios.
Sheila was dreadful when she spotted the young girl, who appeared to be between the ages of 14 and 15, traveling from Seattle to San Francisco, accompanying an older man who made her uneasy. In comparison to the manly image, the girl appeared terrified and ill-dressed. Sheila suspected something was awry and resolved to keep a closer eye on the two as they traveled.

For this girl, the plane flight was much more than just a source of transportation; it was a watershed moment that would change her life’s path. Fortunately for her, Sheila had unintentionally become her lucky charm, and it became evident that in the midst of adversity, you never know where aid may come from.
The difference between the two figures deeply moved Sheila. It was too huge of a difference to ignore, and it increased her anxiety, but, what she lacked in reliable data, she made up for in gut instinct. Her intuition told her that something wasn’t right, and she felt compelled to intervene if necessary—and, happily, things didn’t escalate as far as they could have without her intervention.

Sheila made a courageous stand and confronted the suspicious man and the young girl. Although Sheila had no response from the girl, the man grew increasingly defensive when confronted. Sheila had to devise a new strategy to help the girl out of this position.
She followed her when they left the restroom and saw something was wrong with her ticket. Sheila promptly dialed 911 to report the incident, knowing something had gone awry. “I need help,” said an urgent message.
Further inquiry revealed that this man had been involved in human trafficking or prostitution and was subsequently arrested for his crimes.

Luckily, this young girl met Sheila, who demonstrated great courage in rescuing her from this dangerous circumstance. Her kind nature and heroic acts protected her from a life she would not have chosen for herself; she was extremely fortunate.