It’s always stressful when somebody invades our privacy. Rob Trevino experienced this when his car was broken into, but things were going to take a turn that would leave him in tears.

The thieves did take some personal items and valuables, but they also stole something priceless. They sold Dulce, his 3-year-old dog.

Dulce had been by Rob’s side for a very long time and she wasn’t just a pet, she was an emotional support animal. It was not official, but she served her place for at-risk children in the program, so having her disappear would be a very stressful thing for more than just Rob.

Fortunately, they were able to get a video of it happening and the Houston Police Department identified someone of interest in the case. Even though the man claimed he was innocent, he said that he did want to help and cooperated with the detectives.

Additional leads began to pour in and everyone was standing behind Rob in the hopes that he could get his beloved dog back.

Minutes turned to hours and hours, to days, and eventually, nine days had passed. Then something unexpected happened, as two young men had heard the story about Dulce and it touched their hearts. They decided to turn the dog into the Police Department.

When Rob was able to reunite with his beloved dog, he was speechless. All he could say was “She’s home now” and the two of them had a beautiful reunion that is going to be cherished by people around the world who see the video.

You might look at this as being a personal victory for Rob, but it was actually a victory for many people. This included the two men who returned the dog, who got a $1000 reward for being honest and compassionate.

You can watch the moment that these two were reunited in the following beautiful video:

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