Michael J Fox is perhaps one of the most recognizable actors in the world. He has been a part of our lives for many years, and we have watched his career as well as his health with interest.

After being part of one of the biggest movies in the 80s and for quite some time, Back to the Future, Michael J Fox settled into a very nice career. Unfortunately, he also reported that he had Parkinson’s disease, and that diagnosis has affected him considerably.

Michael J Fox was only 29 years old when he received that Parkinson’s disease diagnosis. He has been living with the disease for more than 30 years, and he has learned how to live with it in many ways.

If you’ve ever had a family member who has suffered from Parkinson’s disease, you realize that it affects the entire family. This includes his wife, Tracy Pollan, who has stuck by his side faithfully for 35 years.

In an interview, Fox talked about how his wife’s unending love and support meant very much to him in all that he’s been through. He said that he loves her and obviously, that she’s an amazing person and has gone through a lot.

In that same interview, Michael also mentioned that he would have understood if she had left after his diagnosis. He said that he even would have forgiven her for leaving.

“We knew the bus was coming and we knew it was going to hit, but we didn’t know how far away it was or how fast it was going,” he said. “At any time she would have been forgiven to say, ‘I’m just gonna step out.’ But, she didn’t do that.”

Instead, he mentioned that she was serious when she said for better or for worse.

“I had no idea what to expect, and neither did she,” Michael said. “But she, she had indicated to me by saying ‘for better or for worse, in sickness and in health’ that she was going to hang on and get me through it. And go through it with me, and she has for 35 years.”

You don’t see examples of this type of dedication very often in celebrity marriages. They are certainly an example to imitate.

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