One of the most difficult things a person could ever go through is losing the child. One person who had to struggle with this difficulty was Gordon Ramsay, as well as his wife, Tonya.

Even though Gordon and Tana have had six children together, only five of them are still alive today. Their children include a 25-year-old daughter, Megan, 23-year-old twins (Jack and Holly) 21-year-old Matilda, and 4-year-old Oscar.

Unfortunately, their son, Rocky, passed away in 2016 when Tana was 20 weeks pregnant. She had lost the pregnancy and it was a very difficult time for the family. Even though the child was born with a strong heartbeat, he was too small to survive.

The mother also shared something happy that happened a few days before the pregnancy was lost. She had posted a picture of herself surrounded by family as Megan’s 18th birthday was being celebrated.

Gordon has been somewhat silent about the experience of losing his child. He has recently opened up about it, however, saying: “There’s no book that guides you through that loss, and so losing Rocky was really tough.” He added, “Watching the trauma unfold, it’s this life-changing moment.”

He also says that his family is stronger after going through the loss together. It really shows you what is involved in their relationship together and how they can survive the sadness of such a tragedy.

They show solidarity in different ways, such as by naming a home after Rocky. They also wear a piece of jewelry that has his name, and everyone in the family takes part.

Gordon also said that they wouldn’t have had Oscar if Rocky had not been lost. Even though they say it is not a replacement, they did say that it helped him to form a bond.

Gordon does say that his wife is resilient and said: “Just watching the way that she dealt with it — and opened up with other friends and women in close proximity that could give advice — she was incredible straight after that.” He added, “There’s a lot of things that Tana’s done, that we wouldn’t be here today without that strength.”

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