It’s hard to believe that we have started a new year. 2023 is now a thing of the past, and we are welcoming 2024 with some very special reminders.

As the year came to a close, many celebrities were talking about their wish that the new year be happy and healthy for everyone. Anthony Hopkins is also someone who posted on social media, and it’s a message that many considered inspiring.

Anthony Hopkins has done a lot in the movie industry, but he is perhaps best known for his role as Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs.

Something that you may not know about Hopkins is the fact that he has been sober for 48 years as of this year. The message that he shared ahead of New Year’s Eve, which is a night known for drinking heavily by many, gives us an opportunity to see him in a different light.

This isn’t the first time that Hopkins discussed the moment he knew that he must give up drinking. He said that he had a wake-up call in 1975 after walking into a hotel and not remembering how or why he was there.

He said: “I was heading for disaster, drinking myself to death. I’m not preachy, but I got a message, a little thought that said: ‘Do you want to live or die?’ And I said I wanted to live.”

Now that he has been sober for 48 years and decided he wanted to live, he’s hoping that others who may be facing similar addiction challenges will find his New Year’s wish inspiring.

In the video, he said: “Hello there. Happy new year to you all. All you revellers and drinkers and all having fun – wonderful! Happy new year, have a great time.

“If you get a hangover, remember me. I don’t get them anymore because 48 years ago today, I stopped, I got help for it and my life changed.

“I don’t envy you having fun out there, but if you need help, a day at a time, life is in session, go for it.”

The caption read: “Wishing everyone a healthy and prosperous 2024. One day at a time, today I am 48 years sober. Life is in session.”

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