Videos may go viral online for any number of different reasons. Some of them are shocking and others heartwarming, but a video posted by Seren Lewis on TikTok is going video for all the right reasons.

22-year-old Seren Lewis has been sharing her journey through law school on TikTok. It took many months of studying and taking exams but eventually, she came to the part in the process where she had to find out if she passed.

When she learned the news and discovered her fate about her future, she was sitting next to her grandparents while the video was being taken. Both of her grandparents seemed very supportive of her, even before she saw the results.

It took a moment for them to scan the results and suddenly, her grandfather started shouting, ‘pass, pass, pass’. Suddenly, the new lawyer breaks down in tears and her grandparents are not very far behind her.

She said that passing the bar and qualifying as a lawyer was the biggest accomplishment she had to date. She also admits that it never would’ve happened if her grandparents had not taken her in when she was two years old and retired early to care for her.

They also put her through school by remortgaging their home that they had already paid off many years before.

When you know everything that goes on behind the scenes, it’s difficult not to tear up when you understand the full truth and watch the video in that light. It’s a beautiful moment and we are so glad that we were able to be part of it.

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