There are times when music really takes us by surprise and even though we may have heard a song many times, it still is something that can give us chills and leave us wanting more. That is especially true when we hear a version of a song that is beyond epic.

Sometimes, the people who sing the songs may even take us by surprise on their own. They may be so iconic that hearing them sing by themselves is a beautiful thing but when they team up with each other, we can’t help but love what they do.

Such was the case when Dolly Parton got together with Olivia Newton-John to sing a duet. Both of those women were known for their beautiful voices, and Dolly Parton was certainly known for her most iconic song, Jolene.

It was quite a treat to hear the two of those singers get together to perform that one song and to do so in a way that is still giving us goosebumps. It is enough when one of them sings a song but when they sing it together, it is an unreal experience.

You might even be surprised with how well their voices work together because they are two different types of singers. After they sang the song and it was posted online, people were quick to comment and say how much they loved hearing the combination.

You can tell that these two ladies had a unique friendship and even though they will never sing together again, at least we had this beautiful moment to enjoy.


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