It doesn’t matter who we are, there are going to be tests that need to be taken in life. Some of these tests may be taken in a classroom setting and others are just going to be part of the ‘school of hard knocks.’

Some people hate to take tests because there is a lot of pressure involved with doing so. At the same time, however, there are certain tests that we may take and we don’t even notice it or perhaps, we may even seek them out for the right reasons.

That includes a test that looks into your intelligence and just how smart you happen to be. These tests can be enjoyable and the results don’t have to be shared with anyone. It’s just for your eyes only.

That is what we have in the following picture. This has gone viral because nobody can figure out which chicken is different.

You have to have a keen eye and a high IQ to figure out which of these chickens is different. Many people have tried, and many people have failed.


If you would like a hint, you may try looking at each chicken because there are several that have differences. By the way, this doesn’t make the puzzle easier, it actually makes it more complex.

Here is the picture again so you don’t have to scroll back up.:

There were eight chickens in the picture and you had a single job to do. It was a test, but it was enjoyable.

After all, who doesn’t like chickens? We may not have one in our backyard, but many people decorate with them because it is enjoyable to do so.

At this point, you may be wondering if the puzzle is even possible to solve. Maybe you have given up on the process and are ready for the answer.

We are more than happy to provide you with the answer, but we must tell you that once you see the answer, you can’t un-see it.

Learn the answer and more in this video and then scroll down for additional information.

Let’s take a look at the pictures to see how they are different.

1. The second chicken has an extra toe.

2. The third chicken has fewer tail feathers

3. The fifth chicken has only one thigh crease

4. The sixth chicken has an extra feather around the neck

5. Chicken number seven is looking up

6. Chicken number eight has a longer crease in the butt.

7. There is another difference, but it is the one that is always missed. Chicken number eight cannot be seen by any other chicken. If you got that one, you are a genius.

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