If you’ve never seen the movie Twins, it really is something that is well worth seeing. It’s one of those wholesome movies that stands the test of time and it doesn’t matter if you saw it at the theater or if you are watching it on a streaming platform, it is going to make you smile.

This film brought together two unlikely actors who would do very well when they were on the screen together. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito played the two twins in the movie, and it is a great mix of action, comedy, and a beautiful storyline.

Schwarzenegger and DeVito had a great working relationship but they also support each other and have a relationship as close friends as well. This showed up recently when Schwarzenegger was heading to New York City and stopped to watch DeVito dancing and singing in a new Broadway play.


He sat in the audience and watched his friend perform and then he met up with Danny and Danny’s daughter, Lucy, after the performance was over. Both Danny and Lucy were in the production together.

Arnold began by calling DeVito his brother. He said: “It was fantastic to see Danny on Broadway in I Need That. He and Lucy and everybody involved kept the audience entertained, laughing and loving every minute – one of the best plays I’ve ever seen, a true spectacle with heart!! I can’t wait to work together again.”

DeVito and Schwarzenegger have been trying to rekindle their working relationship for many years. They almost did so in a movie called Triplets, but production was stopped soon after it started.

You might be surprised to learn that they do have a screen project in the works, and although there weren’t any spoilers given, DeVito does think that fans will love it.

“Now we have a little thing going, a little project that we’ve been chatting about,” he shared. “…It’s just two friends, two guys because we have a good time together.”

“We complement each other in a lot of ways,” he added. “I am way stronger than he is.”

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