Everyone grows up hearing the common terms used by their families and friends. It isn’t until we get older that we realize not everyone uses the same words or knows about the same stuff as we do. If you happen to be from Nebraska, though, chances are you’ll know what just about all of these mean. These are our picks for some of the best words and phrases people from Nebraska say; how many are in your personal dictionary?

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Nebraska is a pretty big state, and regional dialects produce all sorts of different pronunciations and hotly debated differences in terms (don’t get two Nebraskans started on whether it’s called “soda” or “pop,” or “creek” or “crick”). One writer can’t possibly cover all of the uniquely Nebraskan words – what are some of your favorites?

If you’re craving more uniquely Nebraskan things, here are some of our picks for the most charming small Nebraska towns.

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