As a concerned father, we always want to have what is best for our daughter. This sometimes may make it into our subconscious and we may actually dream of the subject.

That is what happened to one man, whose daughter, Brooke Carver, decided to go online and share the information. She spoke about a dream her father had in November 2017, and it was a real eye-opener.

Her father was dreaming about the man she would marry one day. The problem was, it wasn’t her boyfriend. He said that he looked like a Viking with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Considering the fact that Brooke already had a boyfriend and it didn’t look anything like him, she thought it was kind of strange. Years later, however, she had been through an abusive relationship and was on the road to recovery when she met a man.

It happened in 2021 when she met a blonde-haired, blue-eyed man named Jonathan Carver. They met on a dating app and felt a connection right away.

Jonathan felt an unusual connection because he thought he knew her from somewhere. It took a while, but then he realized he saw her in a Marina parking lot a few years earlier as she was getting out of a red Corvette.

That was in 2017 on Brook’s birthday. It was the first time she was in the area, and she hasn’t been back since.

She was there for her 30th birthday and was going on a sailboat party that her sister had set up. He didn’t ask her for her number at the time because her ex was in the car with her.

It wasn’t long before the two were dating. Brooke introduced him to her father and when he met Jonathan, he knew that he was the man from his dreams.

They were engaged four weeks later and married within five months. They’re very happy with their marriage after two years.

Brooke said that it is strange how many coincidences exist in the story. She went on social media to share the story with others and in the comments, people couldn’t agree more.

It certainly does seem to defy the odds. Regardless of whether it is fate or not, we wish them all the best.

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