There are times when we may see something so wholesome that it makes us smile from the inside out. We don’t see these things very often, but we sometimes see them when they are shared by others online.

Elizabeth Schmidt is someone who understands how important it is to share this type of content with others. She shared a video online that is making people smile around the world and is bringing joy to the hearts of anyone who sees it.

When her little girl was with her at a local assisted living facility, she had an opportunity to visit another woman suffering from dementia. The little girl is dancing and enjoying herself so much that you can see the joy on the woman’s face.

Josie, the little girl, is at the assisted living facility regularly because she attends a school that works with the facility. It is not only for those who may be older, it is also a memory care facility that takes care of people with dementia.

Elizabeth said: “The kids venture over to spend time with the ‘grandmas and grandpas’ and experience some intergenerational learning and play.”


This is a rather interesting program that provides children with just as much as it provides those in the assisted care program. The older generation gets to experience the youth that visits them regularly and the children get taught a lesson in compassion.

The video that Elizabeth shares is only the tip of the iceberg. When the children visit, they sit with the adults to listen to music and her little girl is having a great time. They are dancing together in their seats and Josie can’t stop giggling.

“It has been such a gift to watch her bring joy and laughter to the residents and to watch her spirit blossom through getting to know them,” Elizabeth said. “She has an incredibly special bond with her ‘grandmas and grandpas’ upstairs. I am proud of the sweet, silly, wonderful little person she is.”

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