Our thoughts and prayers go out to the great actor Sylvester Stallone and his family for their tra.gic loss
Losing a kid, whether they are young or old, is the most agonizing experience a person can have in life. The t ragic 2012 dea th of Sage Stallone, the…
Little Boy Reaches Out Over Ring Doorbell After Being Bullied
If there’s one thing that all of us need, it’s a good friend. More than likely, we have a lot of acquaintances in our lives but friends are rare finds,…
76-Yr-Old Susan Sarandon Wears A Black Bra On The Red Carpet
There are many things that we consider to be a part of us personally. We may think about the way we look or perhaps the way we speak but there…
Firefighters calm down scared little girl at crash scene by asking her to paint their nails
In addition to saving lives and extinguishing flames, firefighters have a responsibility to provide their community the assurance that everything will be alright in the wake of incidents. Firefighters frequently…
Woman Has An Erotic Affair With An Oak Tree
We’ve heard a lot of talk recently about people who are finding their sexuality. This goes beyond just being male and female, many different designations seem to describe almost anything…
50 People Of Christmas Come Together To Make Us Laugh
Christmas is a time of year when people tend to get together to enjoy some food and fun. It seems as if everybody is in a good mood, and sometimes…
Piers Morgan Again Denies The Bird Lady Rumors
When it comes to conspiracy theories, they truly take on every size and shape that you can possibly imagine. Some may involve the world at large and others are just…
Melody Thomas Scott, who has played Nikki Newman on “The Young and the Restless” since 1979, reveals her difficult past in her 2020 autobiography, “Always Young and Restless: My Life…
Server Says She Hates Europeans For One Simple Reason
There has been a lot of discussion lately on the subject of tipping. Some people are for it, other people are against it but it seems as if everybody has…
Helen Hunt is as as attractive today as she was five decades ago because of her graceful aging.
Many celebrities chase youth, hoping to reach immortal beauty due to pressure from Hollywood and discerning fans who impose unachievable standards of perfection. Helen Hunt gorgeously accepts her aging flaws…