88-Year-Old Crossing Guard Killed By Speeding Car After Saving 2 Children From Being Hit
It’s easy to believe that heroes don’t exist, that they belong only in comic book strips and Marvel films. The truth is, they’re present in all walks of life in…
88-Year-Old Crossing Guard Killed By Speeding Car After Saving 2 Children From Being Hit
88-year-old Bob Nill had worked at Christ the King Parish School as a crossing guard for five years. He was held in high regard by the students, many of whom…
People are urging schools to bring home economics back to teach kids basic life skills
In the past, home economics was the main focus of a woman’s education.Throughout the 20th century, young girls would learn everything needed to run a household independently, including how to…
People are urging schools to bring home economics back to teach kids basic life skills
Nowadays, the idea of women and men looking after the home and family is more accepted. But sadly, home economics classes are dying out, and fewer schools are giving their…
Mom Reads A,,,, S… Passage From School Book — Mic Gets Cut But She Won’t Stop
At a school board meeting, a mom read a p…. passage from a school book to show parents what their children are reading. Nevertheless, when her mic was cut, it…
Mom Reads A,,,, S… Passage From School Book — Mic Gets Cut But She Won’t Stop
As schools continue to adopt progressive curricula, parents are discovering that some educators are more concerned with social issues than academics. Disturbingly, one area of the social sciences that has…
Keanu Reeves Wears Worn-Out Shoes & Is ‘Embarrassed’ by Cash — Instead He Spends His Money on Homeless & Donations
Keanu Reeves has worn the same look for the last 25 years, and even though he has made millions in his lifetime, he would rather give it away than spend…
Keanu Reeves Wears Worn-Out Shoes & Is ‘Embarrassed’ by Cash — Instead He Spends His Money on Homeless & Donations
Not only is he humble, but he is also relatable and has no problem rubbing shoulders with ordinary people. He has none of the bravado and entitlement that celebrity status…
A Texas trucker has been named a “Highway Angel” for stopping to help a pinned police officer…
“Some of the thin’gs I witn’essed were insa’ne—no one is contacting the co’ps, cars are passing by, and no one is stopp’ing to aid him.” Wilburn, who works for Anderson…
A Texas trucker has been named a “Highway Angel” for stopping to help a pinned police officer…
He then remained with the trapp’ed of’icer until help arrived and he was taken to a nearby h’ospital. Wilburn, who is still outraged that no one stopped, says he has…